Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sesoko Island

Today we decided to island hop!!! There are several islands off of the coast of Okinawa. Today we traveled by car up North and across a bridge that links the main part of Okinawa to a neighboring island called Sesoko Island. The island has a beautiful white sand beach and we all know that you can't find many sand beaches in Okinawa (really they are mostly coral)!!! We finally found one of the white sand beaches laid out our sushi lunch and feasted on inari and veggie rolls then we played paddle ball and ended the trip with a lovely walk around the beach. You can see loads of coral in the photo above. We also saw some interesting sea life such as sea cucumbers and some other slimy bottom feeders that well looked scary! Lots of coral pieces, sea glass and shells.
A view from the road. If you look straight down there is a drop off into the ocean, it was gorgeous water too bad you can't really tell from the photo.
Here are some tombs. Families bury family members here and on certain days of the year they visit their family members and bring food and flowers. 
Me and the sugar cane.
By a coral rock, wow it was huge. I am standing on a coral rock that is covered with seaweed. Far off in the distance people were harvesting seaweed, I think they set up the seaweed harvesting plots in the ocean and when the time is right they are out there plucking it out. A lady walked past us before this photo was taken and she had a basket full of green seaweed. She was smiling from ear to ear when she showed it to us. 

1 comment:

joyce said...

special request: Mel's birthday pics please :)