Sunday, January 11, 2009

Neo Park

Today we decided to venture up to Nago and visit Neo Park, it is kind of like a zoo and petting zoo all in one. We happened to see a few friends in the parking lot...totally unplanned we had a great time. When we walked into the zoo all of a sudden we were greeted by a huge gathering of birds. We were able to get some bread and bird food and feed them...they eat it right out of your hand. It is incredible because most every where you walk the animals are roaming free and you can get up close to them and snap a photo or two. The only part I really didn't care for were the bats, if you scroll down you can see one of the bats.
Here is one of our first hosts...he is about 4 and half feet tall.
Eating right out of Greg's hand.


Mom & Dad Williams said...

This bird reminds us of the crested crane that were in Rwanda. Is that what it is! They are so cool.

joyce said...

How was it in comparison to the bird farm in Redlands? :) Bats freak me out too! Looks like you guys had fun...